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How HELM Collects Zero-Party Data and 👆 Conversions 9x in One Swoop

Using the Visual Quiz Builder app, HELM is learning more about shoppers, improving the customer experience, and selling more boots.

Want to increase your Shopify store conversion?

HELM is a men’s footwear brand specializing in premium leather boots that are hand-crafted using Texas leather hides. The Shopify brand manufactures versatile, timeless, and functional boots that can be worn in the workshop or boardroom.

Quality, trust, and authenticity are values the brand holds dear—from crafting new products to interacting with shoppers and customers.

But to uphold those values, HELM needed to get to know the person behind the screen.


Collect real-time data from shoppers while still providing a great experience

Back in 2020, HELM was looking for a way to learn more about its customers.

  • What’s their favorite color?

  • Are they looking for a work boot or something for an event?

  • What’s more important, price or uniqueness?

That rich information, known as zero-party data, could help the brand connect with customers at a deeper level.

But this solution would also need to seamlessly integrate with their stack for real-time data access.


Using a Visual Quiz Builder quiz to collect zero-party data and increase purchases

HELM’s quiz was implemented primarily as a way to learn more about customers, but it evolved into a guided concierge-like experience that helped shoppers find the perfect pair of boots or shoes for their needs.

The quiz shortens the browsing period and provides a personalized product recommendation according to shoppers’ responses and preferences. The result?

Shoppers that take the quiz are nine times more likely to buy than those who don’t!

No joke, the quiz conversion rate is 9x times higher than the overall store conversion.

You can understand why by looking at HELM’s quiz:

Brooks Thomas recently joined HELM as the company’s new President & CMO. In a recent conversation, he told us about his early skepticism toward a quiz.

“When I first joined HELM, I was surprised that we had a style quiz in the navbar. When you think about it, the website real estate and potential diversion from performance are a little bit unconventional. But then I dove into the data and I was impressed—9% of the people who take the quiz are converting off of it, that’s a great percentage.”

Now HELM is considering A/B testing the quiz as the primary funnel for shoppers, placing a quiz CTA in the website hero section.

Retargeting quiz takers with a Klaviyo welcome series

Collecting zero-party data and increasing purchase conversion rate are two great benefits quizzes provide for Shopify brands. But we’re not done yet.

Brands can also use a quiz for email capture and retargeting.

HELM experiences a 13% email collection rate, but that number could be even higher if the brand were to offer access to a discount or reward.

Quiz takers that don’t complete a purchase right away are then entered into a Klaviyo welcome series, which leads to additional sales for the company.

What’s next in the quiz roadmap?

Quizzes are just like any other marketing assets where testing, tweaking, and segmenting can produce even better results.

HELM is planning to work on a second quiz focused on customer loyalty. They want to survey their most loyal customers to learn what they want to see from the brand “in terms of a digital community, events, and content.”

They are also considering a quiz path for customers who recently joined their loyalty program, focusing on customer engagement. “I want to get their feedback and it's less about conversion and more about the experience with the brand,” Brooks said.

HELM’s results with a quiz

HELM has been a Visual Quiz Builder user for the past three years. The company has tested and iterated different quiz versions, with the latest one proving to be an invaluable tool. In the last 6 months, the brand experienced:

  • 81% quiz completion rate (8 in 10 shoppers taking the quiz, finish it)

  • 4% purchase conversion rate for quiz takers (in the same browsing session)

  • 9% purchase conversion rate for quiz takers after 3 months of taking the quiz (via email retargeting)

  • 13% email capture rate

  • 83x ROI made with the Visual Quiz Builder app

So…what are you waiting for?


Upsell Products
AI Quiz Improvements
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Manual Sync
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