Analytics Overhaul
We have rebuilt our analytics inside out and are launching v1 this week with v2 to follow in the next couple of weeks. Here are some of the most exciting features:
(i) We have heard feedback from our customers and updated the definitions of several metrics to align with how our customers think about quiz completions and conversions, and added several metrics. You can find all the details here.
(ii) Under v2, you will be able to click into any of the metrics and get the raw data behind it, create your own views by adding new filters to the data and download this data as a csv or excel file
Upgraded Tagging
For stores that have hundreds if not thousands of variants, tagging individual variants to different questions and answers can be incredibly time consuming. While you could use the search feature to narrow down variants to select, you couldn't select all the variants belonging to certain products or collections.
With the upgraded filters provided during variant tagging, you can now filter variants based on collections and products making the tagging process significantly easier.
Over the next month, we will be further upgrading variant tagging to be able to filter variants by product tags (in addition to collections and products).
Unique Result Page URLs
For quizzes using custom recommendation pages (typically our higher tier clients), we have always identified each quiz result with a unique URL that includes a user's recommended products and name / email. For quizzes using our app recommendation page, however, while the recommendation page would get cached for a user in their browser (unless they cleared their cache), merchants did not have the ability to create a user portal where customers could pull up prior result / recommendation pages. Going forward, each user who completes a quiz will be assigned a unique URL based on their quiz session ID enabling merchants to include quiz results in user portals or just refer back to the result page for a specific user / session for any reason.
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